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  • 18 Kids and counting- Shut your face or I'll throw Marilyn Manson at you

    Saturday, October 17, 2009

    For those who know me, you know how much I loathe this television show. At least the Gosslin kids are cute. This family is down right....evil. With their little matching suits, homemade dresses and long hair. I have nothing against religion, or extreme Baptist, or whatever their religion is, but what I have things against is the fact they have a CHURCH in their house. FOR GOD SAKES. That’s wrong. Or the fact that the mother has popped out EIGHTEEN CHILDREN (Nineteen as of March 2010).
    Can you imagine marrying someone you've never kissed? Never hugged? Holy crap, its one step away from arranged marriages!

    Another thing I find odd about this, is that the fact that these children do not have friends outside of their siblings. I mean, siblings are cool and all, but honestly, you need to have someone else to share your fears and dreams with... But then again, when would they meet any new friends as they never go out, or participate in real world events like sports, socials, movies, etc. Sure they don't even go to a public church where they could meet other likeminded children.

    Don't ask me how the oldest guy found his girlfriend, but we know it wasn't from the internet, as they are restricted from it, or TV, as that’s the Devils spoon of course, no outside sports, or events etc...So how did he actually meet this girl? Ten bucks on arranged marriage is all I have to say.

    I admire the fact that they are self sufficient and debt free, but honestly, just because you don't owe anyone money doesn't mean God's going to give you free range to pop out multiple children whenever you want. The poor woman needs a break! She's spent more time pregnant in the last 22 years than 5 woman experience in 20 years! Think of her uterus! OH GOD.

    Also, Michelle is 43 years old, and around this time in life, older women that have children start to give un-needed health adversities to their unborn child. She has 18 children and a grand baby, can't she do with that? Or what about adopting a clan like Angelina? At least she’s helping lonely children out there.

    Put a cork in the faucet grand-daddy! Ugh.


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