Hell is eternal, just like Marriage should be
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Please watch this absolutely hilarious, and frighteningly true video regarding a spoof 2010 California Marriage Protection Act Public Service Announcement.
For those that are slow out there, this is not real. It is, in itself a message: If gay Americans aren't allowed to smear the vows of traditional marriage, why should straight people be allowed to smear the sanctity of marriage by getting divorced? I would say that you can't have your pie and eat it too bitches!
"You said till death do us part.... your not dead yet" ha-ha.
Of course, if this was something serious, I'd be totally against this. I make my living off of divorce and marital disputes, and if California does it, the rest of the world may follow, ha-ha. Without divorce I wouldn't have a job, and that would make me just another victim of government.
My message is this as a straight woman, to be wed in less than a year from now. If my love for my partner rescinds, I should have the right to leave that situation. Or perhaps if I am abusive to my partner, he has the right to leave. According to the church, we are, in essence crumbing the sanctity of marriage, turning it into a "farce". Of course I believe in divorce. I just don't believe in Jackass Divorces. a.k.a stupid people that don't divorce AMICABLY. The more fighting, the more dinero comrades! Think EASY DIVORCE, LESS MONEY, LESS STRESS. Of course I canvas this option to EVERYONE that calls the office every day, whether or not they are going to be a potential client or not. I just hate seeing the kids involved in monumental disputes, but anyway I went off on a tangent, back to the main issue.
So, in essence we should allow Gays to marry, because if we are going on the common stance “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”, which is surely the whole “protecting the sanctity of marriage” thing, than in retrospect the biggest downfall to marriage these days is DIVORCE, so we should get rid of divorce since its cancerous, supposedly as is Gay Marriage. But of course that would infringe on our CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Oh wait… isn’t denying homosexuals the right to marry an infringement on their rights and freedoms? …HMM…
Touché my friend.
Omg. It's so true.