Previously I had mentioned that I was coming off one medication at a time in hopes that I would be drug free by the end of next year. The story is long and painful, not one I have entirely shared, but one that I am open and honest about when asked.
The truth of the matter is I've been treated for varied depression and anxiety for the last four years, I might even surmise it was before then; the migraine medication I was on was also an antidepressant and beta-blocker known to decrease anxiety. At the end of 2009 I hit an all time low, was entering a very *morbid time in my life and it was a bad place. I took the only step I knew to take, I dragged my ass to my doctor. I know my mind was attached. I made the informed decision to seek professional help. I was a god damn catastrophe. I think I scared my newly graduated doctor.
I was put on a pretty strong drug called Effexor.
Effexor as of today, is on the top five most difficult drugs to transition from, amongst Paxil, Prozac, Celexa (derivative of Paxil) and Lexapro. It is even considered worse than Paxil, which is considered safely amongst doctors as the worst anti depressive drug on the market in regards to side effects. i.e. Paxil Flu.
I have felt short term Effexor withdrawal, as it has a very short half-life of only 5 hours. This means that you can start feeling the withdrawal symptoms within missing ONE dose. I have a mind like a sieve; you know I have missed a few. I am only on 75mg at this moment but I am told by my doctor that it doesn't matter what your level of Effexor in your body is, it is just as dangerous as a 600mg dose.
Also with my migraine disease my body is extremely susceptible to hormone and chemical flucuations which is horrible. Believe me.
Anyway, back to the story, so I was also on a drug called Wellbutrin as well, given to me in January of 2011 when I noticed the sleeping extreme hours which totally didn’t work well with going back to school. I took the Wellbutrin which hilariously I took to counteract the Effexor side effects! Anywho, it was the smallest Canadian dose possible of 100mg and I have been off Wellbutrin since September 20th.
Here starts the rollercoaster.
My body has been rejecting me fully and figuratively. Because of the migraine disease, when my Norepheniphine levels fluctuated with the ending of the drug phase, my body went into full on fight mode. I have had a migraine almost EVERY day since September 20th. Furthermore, I have been sleeping sporadically and very unsatisfactorily. I love sleep. I loved Effexor for the amazing sleep it gave me. God I love sleep. Almost as much as cheese cake and jello.
I had one manic attack on the 27th, but was able to get over it by going home and being productive. I had a test that day too, so I probably was provoked.
Anyway, I went to the doctor yesterday and she told me she wasn't liking the fact that I have been off the medication and am having this type of adverse reaction with my migraines.... so now I am back on the Wellbutrin, one day on, one day off, for two weeks... if the migraines do not subside or decrease we'll make changes. I am SO not going back on this medication, I've already went through all this bullshit that it won't be for not!

She is very worried about how I will react to the Effexor withdrawal, since the Wellbutrin withdrawal has been pretty bad for me. Apparently she is going to draft a cocktail of drugs to get me off the Effexor. How ridiculous is that? Drugs to come off drugs? isn't that a bit counterproductive? I looked up this cocktail idea and apparently it consists of a medical grade gravol type drug, a sleeping drug, and a drug like naproxen for body aches. Jesus what did I get myself into?
I know made the right decision when I got help back then...but I wish I was able to figure out what drugs would be appropriate to come off of DOWN THE ROAD. Living the rest of my life on these drugs was never my intention. With the talk of starting a family soon Adam and I cannot be on any hardcore drugs. Aka, Kala can't be on hardcore drugs. If I get pregnant any day now it could mean serious complications for the baby. My previous doctor did not have to assign the nazi of all drugs to me, but that is what she did and I guess that is what I am going to have to live with until I am off the drug next year.
It is a shitty deal that is for sure. I am not impressed, but this doctor I have now seems to be much more educated the other.
Anyway, this is the update to the previous post which kind of left some people in the dark of what was really going on.
Also, fyi, people who suffer from migraines are almost twice as likely to suffer from depression; coincidence? I think not.